Instant Happiness
They’re everyone’s quick hit of happiness, instant noodles are the best! Here’s some of our favourites.
Discover the authentic in Asian cuisine food
They’re everyone’s quick hit of happiness, instant noodles are the best! Here’s some of our favourites.
Running short of cash? Tired of spending too much on food? There’s no reason to sacrifice taste because you’re being thrifty. Here’s how to keep enjoying big tastes on a budget.
The modern miracle that changed households everywhere. But where did the rice cooker come from?
Ever wondered why some people call Wagyu beef Kobe beef? Here’s the answer
Want to live (nearly) forever? Eat your way to 100 by following in the long lived footsteps of the Japanese.
Ever wondered what those super tasty crunchy bits are on our favourite Japanese dish? Here’s your answer
Sendai, Japan is famous for its love of tongues. Eating them that is.
Nose-to-tail eating is back with a vengeance, but the peoples of Asia have been utilising the whole beast for years. Here’s how to enjoy offal – Asian style!
Want a meal dish with everything? Go Asian one-bowl! Complete with carbs, proteins, veggies and loaded with sumptuous, satisfying flavours.
Asians have a variety of breakfast dishes that pack a punch in both nutrition and flavour. All you need to start your day, fresh and wholesome. Come have a taste!
Poke bowls are Hawaiian right? So why do they use so many Asian flavours? We try to find out.