The Exotic Curries Of Thailand

Aromatic spices and flavourful, mouthwatering delights come to mind when one thinks about Thai cuisine. No doubt, if you were to ask around, the most representative dishes of this country are the exotic curries that whet one’s appetite just thinking about it.
Unlike other curries that use tomatoes and dry ingredients as a base, Thai curries have their foundation in a paste concocted with a myriad mix of local herbs, spices and unique condiments. What’s more, Thai curries have interesting variations as well. Although they have some common ingredients like lemongrass, shallots and garlic, to name a few, each of these robust and zesty pastes have a distinct difference from one another.
Getting the right combination and sourcing for sometimes hard to find ingredients to create the distinct flavours can be quite a headache, but Valcom Curry Paste is here to save the day. Be it Green, Red, Yellow, Panaeng or Massaman, Valcom’s Curry Pastes are made from the finest selection of Thai-sourced ingredients. They are traditionally mashed, grounded and pounded with mortar and pestle into a thick paste, so you don’t have to pound them yourselves. So whichever Thai curry you’re cooking, you can be sure it’s imbued with authentic Thai flavours.
Another important ingredient these Thai curries require and that sets them apart from other curries is coconut milk or coconut cream. Coconut milk is a milky white essence extracted from the flesh of mature coconuts, and coconut cream is another derivative with higher fat content and less water. In food preparation, they add flavour to savoury and sweet dishes and can be used as an alternative to dairy.
To ensure you get the richest and creamiest experience possible, Valcom Coconut Milk/Cream goes through a careful extraction process to ensure the highest yield of coconut extract from their high quality mature coconut flesh. With such a decadent white liquid, it is the perfect partner in Thai cooking as it tempers the spiciness of the different curries and balances the flavour and texture, resulting in a creamy and delightfully full flavoured dish to pamper your taste buds.
The Green Curry

Don’t let its demure appearance deceive you. This creamy, popular Thai fare is reputed to be the spiciest due to the green chillies that give it its signature pale green hue. With the addition of kaffir lime, it complements flavourful meats like beef, yet adds depth and texture to a meat-less dish.
The Fiery Red

Although it is less spicy than its green counterpart, with its infusion of red chillies, this red curry still packs a punch nonetheless. Its rich and bold flavour is a versatile base for any seafood dish and if you are feeling adventurous, you can try it with duck as well.
The Mellow Yellow

For the less adventurous, this mildly spicy yellow curry allows the palette to enjoy a zesty aroma of lemongrass and the complex flavours of turmeric, cumin and curry powder. This amalgamation of wonderfully fragrant spices are sure to pep up any stir fry concoction of chicken and spice up any tofu dish.
The Piquant Panaeng

For a truly tangy and hearty taste, Panaeng curry is a wonderful choice for foodies who love a good earthy nuance in their cooking. The combination of spices for this curry results in such a delightful burst of flavour that allows for the flexibility of cooking it with a wide range of ingredients like pork or spinach.
The Mild Massaman

For the sweet tooth, there is a curry for you as well. Mildest of the curries, this light and sweet Massaman unites Indian flavour with Thai herbs, essentially combining a powerful mix of aromatic spices in an indulgent way that is clearly showcased in this delectable lamb dish.
So what are you waiting for? With Valcom Curry Paste and Valcom Coconut Milk/Cream readily available on your next grocery trip, it’s time to create your own exotic Thai masterpieces.
Valcom Authentic Thai Curry Pastes

Valcom is the market leader of bringing authentic Thai flavours to your home. Every jar of Valcom Curry Paste is made from the finest selection of Thai-sourced ingredients, blended in carefully developed recipes that are true to Thai flavours. So, you don’t have to pound your own pastes. Red, Green, Yellow, Panaeng or Massaman – just add in Valcom paste to whichever Thai curry you’re cooking, and you can be sure it’s imbued with authentic Thai flavours. You can also make stir-fries, barbecue marinades, and pastry fillings with Valcom Curry Pastes. Available in your local supermarket!